When building any structure, it’s important to also prepare the land around it so that water flows away from the foundations, rather than pooling around them. This process is known as grading, and from it may need to be repeated at some point, as weather or other factors can cause that slope to change over time. In this article, we at Laurdane Associates will go over three signs that your yard may need re-grading so that you can get that taken care of as soon as possible if it comes up.
- Pooling Water- One of the most unmistakable signs that you need yard re-grading services for your property is water pooling around your foundation, on your sidewalk or driveway, or anywhere else in your yard. These pools occur when the ground slopes in a way that diverts water to a particular area rather than diverting it downhill and away. Water pooling in this way can lead to moisture damage to your structures, and pools that remain for days or longer also make a ripe breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests.
- Bare Patches- Another sign that your yard may need yard re-grading is if it has one or more bare patches where nothing grows. While this issue is not as serious as a drainage problem like we described above, these types of barren areas affect the overall look of your landscape and are often frustrating for homeowners. If there are places in your yard that have become too compacted by foot traffic to grow anything, re-grading can offer the solutions you are looking for.
- Mold or Fungus- Related to the first example, if there are areas in your yard that are prone to mold or fungus growth, you likely have a drainage issue. Re-grading your yard will allow the water to flow away from your home rather than soaking into particular areas and promoting this kind of growth.